

The documentation is currently in transition from doxygen to Sphinx. This change requires a lot of re-writing. The rewriting is good because we’ll get stuff up to date. The down side is that it will take a while!

fwdpp is a C++14 template library for implementing forward-time simulations of population- and quantitative- genetic models.

Some of you may have landed here because you want to run simulations. We encourange you to check out fwdpy11, which is developed using fwdpp


If you use fwdpp in your research, or a package developed with it, then please cite the following paper:

  author =   {K. R. Thornton},
  title =    {A C++ Template Library for Efficient Forward-Time Population Genetic Simulation of Large Populations},
  journal =          {Genetics},
  year =     {2014},
  OPTkey =   {},
  volume =   {198},
  OPTnumber =        {},
  pages =    {157-166},
  OPTmonth =         {},
  OPTnote =          {},
  annote =   {doi:/10.1534/genetics.114.165019}